"Take this freak back to Baltimore.."


Denise and I in front of Chesapeake Bay

This boat is very useful for everyone with amnesia, since it tells you where you are; the building behind it is the National Aquarium - the top glass part is a rainforst habitat. On the right, the view over Baltimore from our 21st floor hotel room!

There were a couple of pleasure cruisers moored on the bay - I was sadly enraptured by the stars surrounding their names; another contribution to my "Policemen from Around the World" collection - they weren't as funny as they were tall - "Oh, you're from England? Is your name Inga? Inga from England! HA HA HA!!" It doesn't matter how long I live here, I'll never get the American sense of humour (in all fairness, Denise didn't think it was very funny either).

We went to a dolphin show at the Aquarium and this dolphin jumped up to hit the ball - and missed. Good show, though. Here is a picture of the restaurant there named after me - see the resemblance of the mermaid on the sign to me? No, me either

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