Splish splash...

Ohiopyle Falls

Before we went to Niagara Falls, Lisa decided to take me to the falls at Ohiopyle, a state park about 60 miles from Pittsburgh. She said it would make a nice addition to my "waterfalls tour of the northeast"

Glamour shot! - with the falls in the background.

These are the Ohiopyle Falls. In 1754, George Washington passed them on his way to what is now Pittsburgh, looking for a water route for his troops and supplies. However, upon reaching these falls he was forced to abandon the idea - the elevation of the riverbed drops 90 feet in a single mile. Pretty cool, huh?! Not for Washington though, I suppose.

I found the icicles enthralling; I'd never seen any so big. Lisa tried to pull one down for me but it was a lot heavier than she thought so she dropped it and it shattered everywhere. Thankfully it didn't land on her foot.

More of the icicles, and a really pretty church I had to wade through virgin snow 3 feet deep to get a picture of. You WILL look at it!

Playing cave lady with the icicles (I tried throwing a few like javelins, but they melted as soon as they hit the water, before they could get any fish - the tribe went hungry that night). The right is a picture of the tributary that Lisa, Cyndie and Jamie go swimming in in the summer - it's classified as a "natural waterslide".

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