Begorra Begorra...

AKA Andrea and Sally get pissed and do odd things with ketchup

"I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts.."...Andrea models all of our St Patrick's Day swag - the hat, the tiara, the boar's head...

Sally stops smearing ketchup on Andrea's face for long enough to pose for a couple of shots.

The point of the photo on the left was "Look at this carnation! IT'S GREEN!" but sadly that isn't as obvious in the picture as it was at the time. The other one is me being drunk on the bar. You can tell I was drunk because the ash on my cigarette is so long. Also because I have my head on the bar and a carnation between my teeth...durrr...

As the night wears on we start to look more pissed...and I fall for the ketchup bottle. Heinz ketchup - nothing like it - "Keeps my buns dry and happy"

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